Ben is so busy at work, that blogging now seems to fall on me! I warn you, I am not as funny as Ben, but I will get him to write up a post soon. His description of Beach Rock Village should be pretty funny, so I will wait for him and not post any pictures of that trip yet! We are both doing really great. It is a constant amazement to me just how happy we are here. This is the first time I have posted, so I will explain my side of life here a little. I personally thought when we left the states, I would be just "ok" living here, but the quality of life here for me is more than I ever dreamed. Ben and I have both made some wonderful friends and have had a blast exploring this island that we now call "home" together. This is such a wonderful experience for us and are thankful for this time to grow our marriage. Wanna make your marriage stronger? Just move around the world to a completely foreign country :-) We miss our family dearly, but look forward to each of you visiting and letting us show you around our paradise. Ben has been doing really well with the job part of living here. He says that flying is unreal here and lately has been getting to experience it about 5 days a week. I will soon start teaching gymnastics for about 6 hours a week and I am excited to add that to my always full schedule!
Ben leaves for Alaska on Thursday and I hope to do the same. Here are a few pictures of what we have been up to lately.
Ben leaves for Alaska on Thursday and I hope to do the same. Here are a few pictures of what we have been up to lately.